Type classes
Typeclasses were introduced as a principled way of enabling ad-hoc polymorphism in functional programming languages. We first observe that it would be easy to implement an ad-hoc polymorphic function (such as addition) if the function simply took the type-specific implementation of addition as an argument and then called that implementation on the remaining arguments. For example, suppose we declare a structure in Lean to hold implementations of addition
namespace Ex
structure Add (a : Type) where
add : a -> a -> a
#check @Add.add
-- Add.add : {a : Type} → Add a → a → a → a
end Ex
In the above Lean code, the field add
has type
Add.add : {α : Type} → Add α → α → α → α
where the curly braces around the type a
mean that it is an implicit argument.
We could implement double
namespace Ex
structure Add (a : Type) where
add : a -> a -> a
def double (s : Add a) (x : a) : a :=
s.add x x
#eval double { add := Nat.add } 10
-- 20
#eval double { add := Nat.mul } 10
-- 100
#eval double { add := Int.add } 10
-- 20
end Ex
Note that you can double a natural number n
by double { add := Nat.add } n
Of course, it would be highly cumbersome for users to manually pass the
implementations around in this way.
Indeed, it would defeat most of the potential benefits of ad-hoc
The main idea behind typeclasses is to make arguments such as Add a
and to use a database of user-defined instances to synthesize the desired instances
automatically through a process known as typeclass resolution. In Lean, by changing
to class
in the example above, the type of Add.add
namespace Ex
class Add (a : Type) where
add : a -> a -> a
#check @Add.add
-- Add.add : {a : Type} → [self : Add a] → a → a → a
end Ex
where the square brackets indicate that the argument of type Add a
is instance implicit,
i.e. that it should be synthesized using typeclass resolution. This version of
is the Lean analogue of the Haskell term add :: Add a => a -> a -> a
Similarly, we can register an instance by
namespace Ex
class Add (a : Type) where
add : a -> a -> a
instance : Add Nat where
add := Nat.add
end Ex
Then for n : Nat
and m : Nat
, the term Add.add n m
triggers typeclass resolution with the goal
of Add Nat
, and typeclass resolution will synthesize the instance above. In
general, instances may depend on other instances in complicated ways. For example,
you can declare an (anonymous) instance stating that if a
has addition, then Array a
has addition:
instance [Add a] : Add (Array a) where
add x y := Array.zipWith x y (· + ·)
#eval Add.add #[1, 2] #[3, 4]
-- #[4, 6]
#eval #[1, 2] + #[3, 4]
-- #[4, 6]
Note that x + y
is notation for Add.add x y
in Lean.
The example above demonstrates how type classes are used to overload notation.
Now, we explore another application. We often need an arbitrary element of a given type.
Recall that types may not have any elements in Lean.
It often happens that we would like a definition to return an arbitrary element in a "corner case."
For example, we may like the expression head xs
to be of type a
when xs
is of type List a
Similarly, many theorems hold under the additional assumption that a type is not empty.
For example, if a
is a type, exists x : a, x = x
is true only if a
is not empty.
The standard library defines a type class Inhabited
to enable type class inference to infer a
"default" or "arbitrary" element of an inhabited type.
Let us start with the first step of the program above, declaring an appropriate class:
namespace Ex
class Inhabited (a : Type u) where
default : a
#check @Inhabited.default
-- Inhabited.default : {a : Type u} → [self : Inhabited a] → a
end Ex
Note Inhabited.default
doesn't have any explicit argument.
An element of the class Inhabited a
is simply an expression of the form Inhabited.mk x
, for some element x : a
The projection Inhabited.default
will allow us to "extract" such an element of a
from an element of Inhabited a
Now we populate the class with some instances:
namespace Ex
class Inhabited (a : Type _) where
default : a
instance : Inhabited Bool where
default := true
instance : Inhabited Nat where
default := 0
instance : Inhabited Unit where
default := ()
instance : Inhabited Prop where
default := True
#eval (Inhabited.default : Nat)
-- 0
#eval (Inhabited.default : Bool)
-- true
end Ex
You can use the command export
to create the alias default
for Inhabited.default
namespace Ex
class Inhabited (a : Type _) where
default : a
instance : Inhabited Bool where
default := true
instance : Inhabited Nat where
default := 0
instance : Inhabited Unit where
default := ()
instance : Inhabited Prop where
default := True
export Inhabited (default)
#eval (default : Nat)
-- 0
#eval (default : Bool)
-- true
end Ex
Chaining Instances
If that were the extent of type class inference, it would not be all that impressive; it would be simply a mechanism of storing a list of instances for the elaborator to find in a lookup table. What makes type class inference powerful is that one can chain instances. That is, an instance declaration can in turn depend on an implicit instance of a type class. This causes class inference to chain through instances recursively, backtracking when necessary, in a Prolog-like search.
For example, the following definition shows that if two types a
and b
are inhabited, then so is their product:
instance [Inhabited a] [Inhabited b] : Inhabited (a × b) where
default := (default, default)
With this added to the earlier instance declarations, type class instance can infer, for example, a default element of Nat × Bool
namespace Ex
class Inhabited (a : Type u) where
default : a
instance : Inhabited Bool where
default := true
instance : Inhabited Nat where
default := 0
opaque default [Inhabited a] : a :=
instance [Inhabited a] [Inhabited b] : Inhabited (a × b) where
default := (default, default)
#eval (default : Nat × Bool)
-- (0, true)
end Ex
Similarly, we can inhabit type function with suitable constant functions:
instance [Inhabited b] : Inhabited (a -> b) where
default := fun _ => default
As an exercise, try defining default instances for other types, such as List
and Sum
The Lean standard library contains the definition inferInstance
. It has type {α : Sort u} → [i : α] → α
and is useful for triggering the type class resolution procedure when the expected type is an instance.
#check (inferInstance : Inhabited Nat) -- Inhabited Nat
def foo : Inhabited (Nat × Nat) :=
theorem ex : foo.default = (default, default) :=
You can use the command #print
to inspect how simple inferInstance
#print inferInstance
The polymorphic method toString
has type {α : Type u} → [ToString α] → α → String
. You implement the instance
for your own types and use chaining to convert complex values into strings. Lean comes with ToString
for most builtin types.
structure Person where
name : String
age : Nat
instance : ToString Person where
toString p := p.name ++ "@" ++ toString p.age
#eval toString { name := "Leo", age := 542 : Person }
#eval toString ({ name := "Daniel", age := 18 : Person }, "hello")
Numerals are polymorphic in Lean. You can use a numeral (e.g., 2
) to denote an element of any type that implements
the type class OfNat
structure Rational where
num : Int
den : Nat
inv : den ≠ 0
instance : OfNat Rational n where
ofNat := { num := n, den := 1, inv := by decide }
instance : ToString Rational where
toString r := s!"{r.num}/{r.den}"
#eval (2 : Rational) -- 2/1
#check (2 : Rational) -- Rational
#check (2 : Nat) -- Nat
Lean elaborate the terms (2 : Nat)
and (2 : Rational)
OfNat.ofNat Nat 2 (instOfNatNat 2)
OfNat.ofNat Rational 2 (instOfNatRational 2)
We say the numerals 2
occurring in the elaborated terms are raw natural numbers.
You can input the raw natural number 2
using the macro nat_lit 2
#check nat_lit 2 -- Nat
Raw natural numbers are not polymorphic.
The OfNat
instance is parametric on the numeral. So, you can define instances for particular numerals.
The second argument is often a variable as in the example above, or a raw natural number.
class Monoid (α : Type u) where
unit : α
op : α → α → α
instance [s : Monoid α] : OfNat α (nat_lit 1) where
ofNat := s.unit
def getUnit [Monoid α] : α :=
Because many users were forgetting the nat_lit
when defining OfNat
instances, Lean also accepts OfNat
declarations not using nat_lit
. Thus, the following is also accepted.
class Monoid (α : Type u) where
unit : α
op : α → α → α
instance [s : Monoid α] : OfNat α 1 where
ofNat := s.unit
def getUnit [Monoid α] : α :=
Output parameters
By default, Lean only tries to synthesize an instance Inhabited T
when the term T
is known and does not
contain missing parts. The following command produces the error
"failed to create type class instance for Inhabited (Nat × ?m.1499)
" because the type has a missing part (i.e., the _
-- FIXME: should fail
#check (inferInstance : Inhabited (Nat × _))
You can view the parameter of the type class Inhabited
as an input value for the type class synthesizer.
When a type class has multiple parameters, you can mark some of them as output parameters.
Lean will start type class synthesizer even when these parameters have missing parts.
In the following example, we use output parameters to define a heterogeneous polymorphic
namespace Ex
class HMul (α : Type u) (β : Type v) (γ : outParam (Type w)) where
hMul : α → β → γ
export HMul (hMul)
instance : HMul Nat Nat Nat where
hMul := Nat.mul
instance : HMul Nat (Array Nat) (Array Nat) where
hMul a bs := bs.map (fun b => hMul a b)
#eval hMul 4 3 -- 12
#eval hMul 4 #[2, 3, 4] -- #[8, 12, 16]
end Ex
The parameters α
and β
are considered input parameters and γ
an output one.
Given an application hMul a b
, after types of a
and b
are known, the type class
synthesizer is invoked, and the resulting type is obtained from the output parameter γ
In the example above, we defined two instances. The first one is the homogeneous
multiplication for natural numbers. The second is the scalar multiplication for arrays.
Note that, you chain instances and generalize the second instance.
namespace Ex
class HMul (α : Type u) (β : Type v) (γ : outParam (Type w)) where
hMul : α → β → γ
export HMul (hMul)
instance : HMul Nat Nat Nat where
hMul := Nat.mul
instance : HMul Int Int Int where
hMul := Int.mul
instance [HMul α β γ] : HMul α (Array β) (Array γ) where
hMul a bs := bs.map (fun b => hMul a b)
#eval hMul 4 3 -- 12
#eval hMul 4 #[2, 3, 4] -- #[8, 12, 16]
#eval hMul (-2) #[3, -1, 4] -- #[-6, 2, -8]
#eval hMul 2 #[#[2, 3], #[0, 4]] -- #[#[4, 6], #[0, 8]]
end Ex
You can use our new scalar array multiplication instance on arrays of type Array β
with a scalar of type α
whenever you have an instance HMul α β γ
In the last #eval
, note that the instance was used twice on an array of arrays.
Default instances
In the class HMul
, the parameters α
and β
are treated as input values.
Thus, type class synthesis only starts after these two types are known. This may often
be too restrictive.
namespace Ex
class HMul (α : Type u) (β : Type v) (γ : outParam (Type w)) where
hMul : α → β → γ
export HMul (hMul)
instance : HMul Int Int Int where
hMul := Int.mul
def xs : List Int := [1, 2, 3]
-- TODO: fix error message
-- Error "failed to create type class instance for HMul Int ?m.1767 (?m.1797 x)"
-- #check fun y => xs.map (fun x => hMul x y)
end Ex
The instance HMul
is not synthesized by Lean because the type of y
has not been provided.
However, it is natural to assume that the type of y
and x
should be the same in
this kind of situation. We can achieve exactly that using default instances.
namespace Ex
class HMul (α : Type u) (β : Type v) (γ : outParam (Type w)) where
hMul : α → β → γ
export HMul (hMul)
instance : HMul Int Int Int where
hMul := Int.mul
def xs : List Int := [1, 2, 3]
#check fun y => xs.map (fun x => hMul x y) -- Int -> List Int
end Ex
By tagging the instance above with the attribute default_instance
, we are instructing Lean
to use this instance on pending type class synthesis problems.
The actual Lean implementation defines homogeneous and heterogeneous classes for arithmetical operators.
Moreover, a+b
, a*b
, a-b
, a/b
, and a%b
are notations for the heterogeneous versions.
The instance OfNat Nat n
is the default instance (with priority 100
) for the OfNat
class. This is why the numeral
has type Nat
when the expected type is not known. You can define default instances with higher
priority to override the builtin ones.
structure Rational where
num : Int
den : Nat
inv : den ≠ 0
@[default_instance 200]
instance : OfNat Rational n where
ofNat := { num := n, den := 1, inv := by decide }
instance : ToString Rational where
toString r := s!"{r.num}/{r.den}"
#check 2 -- Rational
Priorities are also useful to control the interaction between different default instances.
For example, suppose xs
has type α
, when elaboration xs.map (fun x => 2 * x)
, we want the homogeneous instance for multiplication
to have higher priority than the default instance for OfNat
. This is particularly important when we have implemented only the instance
HMul α α α
, and did not implement HMul Nat α α
Now, we reveal how the notation a*b
is defined in Lean.
namespace Ex
class OfNat (α : Type u) (n : Nat) where
ofNat : α
instance (n : Nat) : OfNat Nat n where
ofNat := n
class HMul (α : Type u) (β : Type v) (γ : outParam (Type w)) where
hMul : α → β → γ
class Mul (α : Type u) where
mul : α → α → α
@[default_instance 10]
instance [Mul α] : HMul α α α where
hMul a b := Mul.mul a b
infixl:70 " * " => HMul.hMul
end Ex
The Mul
class is convenient for types that only implement the homogeneous multiplication.
Scoped Instances
Local Instances