import Lean.Data.HashMap
In the previous section, you learned about the ReaderM
monad. Hopefully this gave you
a new perspective on Lean. It showed that, in fact, you can have global variables of some sort;
you just need to encode them in the type signature somehow, and this is what monads are for! In this
part, you will explore the StateM
monad, which is like a ReaderM
only the state can also be updated.
Motivating example: Tic Tac Toe
For this section, let's build a simple model for a Tic Tace Toe game. The main object is the GameState
data type containing several important pieces of information. First and foremost, it has the
"board", a map from 2D tile indices to the "Tile State" (X, O or empty). Then it also knows the
current player, and it has a random generator.
open Std () abbrevTileIndex :=TileIndex: TypeNat ×Nat: TypeNat -- a 2D index inductiveNat: TypeTileState where |TileState: TypeTileEmpty |TileEmpty: TileStateTileX |TileX: TileStateTileO derivingTileO: TileStateRepr,Repr: Type u → Type uBEq inductiveBEq: Type u → Type uPlayer where |Player: TypeXPlayer |XPlayer: PlayerOPlayer derivingOPlayer: PlayerRepr,Repr: Type u → Type uBEq abbrevBEq: Type u → Type uBoard :=Board: ?m.1422TileIndex TileState structureTileIndex TileState: ?m.1422GameState whereGameState: ({Board : Sort u_1} → Board) → Player → StdGen → GameStateboard :board: GameState → {Board : Sort u_1} → BoardBoardBoard: Sort u_1currentPlayer :currentPlayer: GameState → PlayerPlayerPlayer: Typegenerator :generator: GameState → StdGenStdGenStdGen: Type
Let's think at a high level about how some of the game functions would work. You could, for
instance, have a function for selecting a random move. This would output a TileIndex
to play and
alter the game's number generator. You would then make a move based on the selected move and the
current player. This would change the board state as well as swap the current player. In other
words, you have operations that depend on the current state of the game, but also need to update
that state.
The StateM Monad to the Rescue
This is exactly the situation the StateM
monad deals with. The StateM
monad wraps computations in
the context of reading and modifying a global state object.
It is parameterized by a single type parameter s
, the state type in use. So just like the ReaderM
has a single type you read from, the StateM
has a single type you can both read from and write
to. There are three primary actions you can take within the StateM
- get - retrieves the state, like
- set - updates the state
- modifyGet - retrieves the state, then updates it
There is also a run
function, similar to run
on ReaderM
. Like the ReaderM
monad, you must
provide an initial state, in addition to the computation to run. StateM
then produces two outputs:
the result of the computation combined with the final updated state.
If you wish to discard the final state and just get the computation's result, you can use
method instead. Yes in Lean, the apostrophe can be part of a name, you read this "run
prime", and the general naming convention is that the prime method discards something.
So for your Tic Tac Toe game, many of your functions will have a signature like State GameState a
Stateful Functions
Now you can examine some of the different functions mentioned above and determine their types. You can, for instance, pick a random move:
open TileState deffindOpen :findOpen: StateM GameState (List TileIndex)StateMStateM: Type → Type → TypeGameState (GameState: TypeListList: Type → TypeTileIndex) := do letTileIndex: Typegame ←game: GameStateget returnget: {σ : outParam Type} → {m : Type → Type} → [self : MonadState σ m] → m σdefchooseRandomMove :chooseRandomMove: StateM GameState TileIndexStateMStateM: Type → Type → TypeGameStateGameState: TypeTileIndex := do letTileIndex: Typegame ←game: GameStateget letget: {σ : outParam Type} → {m : Type → Type} → [self : MonadState σ m] → m σopenSpots ←openSpots: List TileIndexfindOpen letfindOpen: StateM GameState (List TileIndex)gen :=gen: GameStategenerator let (generator: GameState → StdGeni,i: Natgen') :=gen': StdGenrandNatrandNat: {gen : Type} → [inst : RandomGen gen] → gen → Nat → Nat → Nat × gengengen: StdGen0 (0: NatopenSpots.openSpots: List TileIndexlength -length: {α : Type} → List α → Nat1)1: Natset {set: {σ : semiOutParam Type} → {m : Type → Type} → [self : MonadStateOf σ m] → σ → m PUnitgame with generator :=game: GameStategen' } returngen': StdGenopenSpots[openSpots: List TileIndexi]!i: Nat
This returns a TileIndex
and modifies the random number generator stored in the GameState
Notice you have a fun little use of the Applicative.seqRight
operator *>
in findOpen
as described in Applicatives.
Now you can create the function that can make a move:
open Player deftileStateForPlayer :tileStateForPlayer: Player → TileStatePlayer →Player: TypeTileState |TileState: TypeXPlayer =>XPlayer: PlayerTileX |TileX: TileStateOPlayer =>OPlayer: PlayerTileO defTileO: TileStatenextPlayer :nextPlayer: Player → PlayerPlayer →Player: TypePlayer |Player: TypeXPlayer =>XPlayer: PlayerOPlayer |OPlayer: PlayerOPlayer =>OPlayer: PlayerXPlayer defXPlayer: PlayerapplyMove (applyMove: TileIndex → StateM GameState Uniti :i: TileIndexTileIndex):TileIndex: TypeStateMStateM: Type → Type → TypeGameStateGameState: TypeUnit := do letUnit: Typegame ←game: GameStateget letget: {σ : outParam Type} → {m : Type → Type} → [self : MonadState σ m] → m σp :=p: GameStatecurrentPlayer letcurrentPlayer: GameState → PlayernewBoard :=newBoard: ∀ {Board : Prop}, Boardset {set: {σ : semiOutParam Type} → {m : Type → Type} → [self : MonadStateOf σ m] → σ → m PUnitgame with currentPlayer :=game: GameStatenextPlayernextPlayer: Player → Playerp, board :=p: PlayernewBoard }newBoard: ∀ {Board : Prop}, Board
This updates the board in the GameState
with the new tile, and then changes the current player,
providing no output (Unit
return type).
So finally, you can combine these functions together with do
notation, and it actually looks quite
clean! You don't need to worry about the side effects. The different monadic functions handle them.
Here's a sample of what your function might look like to play one turn of the game. At the end, it
returns a boolean determining if all the spaces have been filled.
Notice in isGameDone
and nextTurn
we have stopped providing the full return type
StateM GameState Unit
. This is because Lean is able to infer the correct monadic return type
from the context and as a result the code is now looking really clean.
def isGameDone: StateM GameState Bool
isGameDone := do
return (← findOpen): List TileIndex
(← findOpen: StateM GameState (List TileIndex)
findOpen(← findOpen): List TileIndex
).isEmpty: {α : Type} → List α → Bool
def nextTurn: StateM GameState Bool
nextTurn := do
let i: TileIndex
i ← chooseRandomMove: StateM GameState TileIndex
applyMove: TileIndex → StateM GameState Unit
applyMove i: TileIndex
isGameDone: StateM GameState Bool
To give you a quick test harness that runs all moves for both players you can run this:
definitBoard :initBoard: {Board : Type u_1} → BoardBoard :=Board: Type do let {α : Type u_1} → Id α → αboard :=board: Id Boardfori in [i: Nat0:0: Nat3] do for3: Natj in [j: Nat0:0: Nat3] do let3: Natt :t: TileIndexTileIndex := (TileIndex: Typei,i: Natj)j: Natboard :=board: Id Boardboard defboard: Id BoardprintBoard (printBoard: {Board : Sort u_1} → Board → IO Unitboard :board: BoardBoard) :Board: Sort u_1IOIO: Type → TypeUnit := do let mutUnit: Typerow :row: List StringListList: Type → TypeString :=String: Type[][]: List StringdefplayGame := do whileplayGame: StateM GameState PUnittrue do lettrue: Boolfinished ←finished: BoolnextTurn ifnextTurn: StateM GameState Boolfinished thenfinished: Boolreturn defreturn: StateM GameState (ForInStep (MProd (Option PUnit) PUnit))main :main: IO UnitIOIO: Type → TypeUnit := do letUnit: Typegen ←gen: StdGenIO.stdGenRef.IO.stdGenRef: IO.Ref StdGenget let (get: {σ : Type} → {m : Type → Type} → [inst : MonadLiftT (ST σ) m] → {α : Type} → ST.Ref σ α → m αx,x: Natgen') :=gen': StdGenrandNatrandNat: {gen : Type} → [inst : RandomGen gen] → gen → Nat → Nat → Nat × gengengen: StdGen00: Nat1 let1: Natgs := { board :=gs: GameState, currentPlayer := ifx =x: Nat0 then0: NatXPlayer elseXPlayer: PlayerOPlayer, generator :=OPlayer: Playergen' } let (_,gen': StdGeng) :=g: GameStateplayGame |>.playGame: StateM GameState PUnitrunrun: {σ : Type} → {m : Type → Type} → {α : Type} → StateT σ m α → σ → m (α × σ)gsgs: GameStateprintBoardprintBoard: {Board : Prop} → Board → IO Unitg.g: GameStateboardboard: GameState → ∀ {Board : Prop}, Board-- [X, X, O] -- [X, O, O] -- [O, O, X]
Note that when you run the above code interactively the random number generator always starts in the
same place. But if you run lean --run states.lean
then you will see randomness in the result.
It may be helpful to see how the StateM
monad adds the input state and output state. If you look
at the reduced Type for nextTurn
StateMStateM: Type → Type → TypeGameStateGameState: TypeBool -- GameState → Bool × GameStateBool: Type
So a function like nextTurn
that might have just returned a Bool
has been modified by the
monad such that the initial GameState
is passed in as a new input argument, and the output
value has been changed to the pair Bool × GameState
so that it can return the pure Bool
and the
updated GameState
. So playGame
then is automatically saving that updated game state so that each
time around the while
loop it is acting on the new state, otherwise that would be an infinite loop!
It is also interesting to see how much work the do
and ←
notation are doing for you. To
implement the nextTurn
function without these you would have to write this, manually plumbing
the state all the way through:
def nextTurnManually: StateM GameState Bool
nextTurnManually : StateM: Type → Type → Type
StateM GameState: Type
GameState Bool: Type
| state: GameState
state =>
let (i: TileIndex
i, gs: GameState
gs) := chooseRandomMove: StateM GameState TileIndex
chooseRandomMove |>.run: {σ : Type} → {m : Type → Type} → {α : Type} → StateT σ m α → σ → m (α × σ)
run state: GameState
let (_, gs': GameState
gs') := applyMove: TileIndex → StateM GameState Unit
applyMove i: TileIndex
i |>.run: {σ : Type} → {m : Type → Type} → {α : Type} → StateT σ m α → σ → m (α × σ)
run gs: GameState
let (result: Bool
result, gs'': GameState
gs'') := isGameDone: StateM GameState Bool
isGameDone |>.run: {σ : Type} → {m : Type → Type} → {α : Type} → StateT σ m α → σ → m (α × σ)
run gs': GameState
(result: Bool
result, gs'': GameState
This expression let (i, gs)
conveniently breaks a returned pair up into 2 variables.
In the expression let (_, gs')
we didn't care what the first value was so we used underscore.
Notice that nextTurn is capturing the updated game state from chooseRandomMove
in the variable
, which it is then passing to applyMove
which returns gs'
which is passed to isGameDone
and that function returns gs''
which we then return from nextTurnManually
. Phew, what a lot
of work you don't have to do when you use do
StateM vs ReaderM
While ReaderM
functions can use withReader
to modify the context before calling another function,
functions are a little more powerful, let's look at this function again:
def nextTurn : StateM GameState Bool := do
let i ← chooseRandomMove
applyMove i
In this function chooseRandomMove
is modifying the state that applyMove
is getting
and chooseRandomMove
knows nothing about applyMove
. So StateM
functions can have this
kind of downstream effect outside their own scope, whereas, withReader
cannot do that.
So there is no equivalent to withReader
for StateM
, besides you can always use the StateM
function to modify the state before calling the next function anyway. You could however,
manually call a StateM
function like you see in nextTurnManually
and completely override
the state at any point that way.
State, IO and other languages
When thinking about Lean, it is often seen as a restriction that you can't have global variables or
variables like you can with other languages like Python or C++. However, hopefully you see
now this isn't true. You can have a data type with exactly the same functionality as a Python class.
You would simply have many functions that can modify some global state using the StateM
The difference is in Lean you simply put a label on these types of functions. You don't allow it to happen for free anywhere in an uncontrolled fashion because that results in too many sleepless nights debugging nasty code. You want to know when side effects can potentially happen, because knowing when they can happen makes your code easier to reason about. In a Python class, many of the methods won't actually need to modify the global state. But they could, which makes it harder to debug them. In Lean you can simply make these pure functions, and the compiler will ensure they stay pure and cannot modify any global state.
IO is the same way. It's not like you can't perform IO in Lean. Instead, you want to label the areas where you can, to increase your certainty about the areas where you don't need to. When you know part of your code cannot communicate with the outside world, you can be far more certain of its behavior.
The StateM
monad is also a more disciplined way of managing side effects. Top level code could
call a StateM
function multiple times with different independent initial states, even doing that
across multiple tasks in parallel and each of these cannot clobber the state belonging to other
tasks. Monadic code is more predictable and reusable than code that uses global variables.
That wraps it up for the StateM
monad! There is one more very useful monad that can be used to do
exception handling which will be covered in the next section.