import Lean
open Lean Widget

The user-widgets system

Proving and programming are inherently interactive tasks. Lots of mathematical objects and data structures are visual in nature. User widgets let you associate custom interactive UIs with sections of a Lean document. User widgets are rendered in the Lean infoview.

Rubik's cube

Trying it out

To try it out, simply type in the following code and place your cursor over the #widget command.

helloWidget: UserWidgetDefinition
UserWidgetDefinition: Type
where name :=
"Hello": String
javascript :=
" import * as React from 'react'; export default function(props) { const name = || 'world' return React.createElement('p', {}, name + '!') }": String
" import * as React from 'react'; export default function(props) { const name = || 'world' return React.createElement('p', {}, name + '!') }"
#widget helloWidget
.null: Json

If you want to dive into a full sample right away, check out RubiksCube. Below, we'll explain the system piece by piece.

⚠️ WARNING: All of the user widget APIs are unstable and subject to breaking changes.

Widget sources and instances

A widget source is a valid JavaScript ESModule which exports a React component. To access React, the module must use import * as React from 'react'. Our first example of a widget source is of course the value of helloWidget.javascript.

We can register a widget source with the @[widget] attribute, giving it a friendlier name in the name field. This is bundled together in a UserWidgetDefinition.

A widget instance is then the identifier of a UserWidgetDefinition (so `helloWidget, not "Hello") associated with a range of positions in the Lean source code. Widget instances are stored in the infotree in the same manner as other information about the source file such as the type of every expression. In our example, the #widget command stores a widget instance with the entire line as its range. We can think of a widget instance as an instruction for the infoview: "when the user places their cursor here, please render the following widget".

Every widget instance also contains a props : Json value. This value is passed as an argument to the React component. In our first invocation of #widget, we set it to .null. Try out what happens when you type in:

#widget helloWidget (
Json.mkObj: List (String × Json) → Json
"name": String
"<your name here>": String
"<your name here>"

💡 NOTE: The RPC system presented below does not depend on JavaScript. However the primary use case is the web-based infoview in VSCode.

Querying the Lean server

Besides enabling us to create cool client-side visualizations, user widgets come with the ability to communicate with the Lean server. Thanks to this, they have the same metaprogramming capabilities as custom elaborators or the tactic framework. To see this in action, let's implement a #check command as a web input form. This example assumes some familiarity with React.

The first thing we'll need is to create an RPC method. Meaning "Remote Procedure Call", this is basically a Lean function callable from widget code (possibly remotely over the internet). Our method will take in the name : Name of a constant in the environment and return its type. By convention, we represent the input data as a structure. Since it will be sent over from JavaScript, we need FromJson and ToJson. We'll see below why the position field is needed.

GetTypeParams: Type
where /-- Name of a constant to get the type of. -/
name: GetTypeParams → Name
Name: Type
/-- Position of our widget instance in the Lean file. -/
pos: GetTypeParams → Lsp.Position
Lsp.Position: Type
FromJson: Type u → Type u
ToJson: Type u → Type u

After its arguments, we define the getType method. Every RPC method executes in the RequestM monad and must return a RequestTask α where α is its "actual" return type. The Task is so that requests can be handled concurrently. A first guess for α might be Expr. However, expressions in general can be large objects which depend on an Environment and LocalContext. Thus we cannot directly serialize an Expr and send it to the widget. Instead, there are two options:

  • One is to send a reference which points to an object residing on the server. From JavaScript's point of view, references are entirely opaque, but they can be sent back to other RPC methods for further processing.
  • Two is to pretty-print the expression and send its textual representation called CodeWithInfos. This representation contains extra data which the infoview uses for interactivity. We take this strategy here.

RPC methods execute in the context of a file, but not any particular Environment so they don't know about the available definitions and theorems. Thus, we need to pass in a position at which we want to use the local Environment. This is why we store it in GetTypeParams. The withWaitFindSnapAtPos method launches a concurrent computation whose job is to find such an Environment and a bit more information for us, in the form of a snap : Snapshot. With this in hand, we can call MetaM procedures to find out the type of name and pretty-print it.

open Server RequestM in
getType: GetTypeParams → RequestM (RequestTask CodeWithInfos)
params: GetTypeParams
GetTypeParams: Type
) :
RequestM: Type → Type
RequestTask: Type → Type
CodeWithInfos: Type
) :=
withWaitFindSnapAtPos: {α : Type} → Lsp.Position → (Snapshots.Snapshot → RequestM α) → RequestM (RequestTask α)
params: GetTypeParams
pos: GetTypeParams → Lsp.Position
snap: Snapshots.Snapshot
=> do
runTermElabM: {α : Type} → Snapshots.Snapshot → RequestT Elab.TermElabM α → RequestM α
snap: Snapshots.Snapshot
do let
name: Name
resolveGlobalConstNoOverloadCore: {m : Type → Type} → [inst : Monad m] → [inst : MonadResolveName m] → [inst : MonadEnv m] → [inst : MonadError m] → Name → m Name
params: GetTypeParams
name: GetTypeParams → Name
c: ConstantInfo
getConstInfo: {m : Type → Type} → [inst : Monad m] → [inst : MonadEnv m] → [inst : MonadError m] → Name → m ConstantInfo
name: Name
_: Exception
throwThe: (ε : Type) → {m : Type → Type} → [inst : MonadExceptOf ε m] → {α : Type} → ε → m α
RequestError: Type
.invalidParams: JsonRpc.ErrorCode
, s!"no constant named '{
name: Name
Widget.ppExprTagged: Expr → optParam Bool false → MetaM CodeWithInfos
c: ConstantInfo
type: ConstantInfo → Expr

Using infoview components

Now that we have all we need on the server side, let's write the widget source. By importing @leanprover/infoview, widgets can render UI components used to implement the infoview itself. For example, the <InteractiveCode> component displays expressions with term : type tooltips as seen in the goal view. We will use it to implement our custom #check display.

⚠️ WARNING: Like the other widget APIs, the infoview JS API is unstable and subject to breaking changes.

The code below demonstrates useful parts of the API. To make RPC method calls, we use the RpcContext. The useAsync helper packs the results of a call into an AsyncState structure which indicates whether the call has resolved successfully, has returned an error, or is still in-flight. Based on this we either display an InteractiveCode with the type, mapRpcError the error in order to turn it into a readable message, or show a Loading.. message, respectively.

checkWidget: UserWidgetDefinition
UserWidgetDefinition: Type
where name :=
"#check as a service": String
"#check as a service"
javascript :=
" import * as React from 'react'; const e = React.createElement; import { RpcContext, InteractiveCode, useAsync, mapRpcError } from '@leanprover/infoview'; export default function(props) { const rs = React.useContext(RpcContext) const [name, setName] = React.useState('getType') const st = useAsync(() =>'getType', { name, pos: props.pos }), [name, rs, props.pos]) const type = st.state === 'resolved' ? st.value && e(InteractiveCode, {fmt: st.value}) : st.state === 'rejected' ? e('p', null, mapRpcError(st.error).message) : e('p', null, 'Loading..') const onChange = (event) => { setName( } return e('div', null, e('input', { value: name, onChange }), ' : ', type) } ": String
" import * as React from 'react'; const e = React.createElement; import { RpcContext, InteractiveCode, useAsync, mapRpcError } from '@leanprover/infoview'; export default function(props) { const rs = React.useContext(RpcContext) const [name, setName] = React.useState('getType') const st = useAsync(() =>'getType', { name, pos: props.pos }), [name, rs, props.pos]) const type = st.state === 'resolved' ? st.value && e(InteractiveCode, {fmt: st.value}) : st.state === 'rejected' ? e('p', null, mapRpcError(st.error).message) : e('p', null, 'Loading..') const onChange = (event) => { setName( } return e('div', null, e('input', { value: name, onChange }), ' : ', type) } "

Finally we can try out the widget.

#widget checkWidget 
.null: Json

#check as a service

Building widget sources

While typing JavaScript inline is fine for a simple example, for real developments we want to use packages from NPM, a proper build system, and JSX. Thus, most actual widget sources are built with Lake and NPM. They consist of multiple files and may import libraries which don't work as ESModules by default. On the other hand a widget source must be a single, self-contained ESModule in the form of a string. Readers familiar with web development may already have guessed that to obtain such a string, we need a bundler. Two popular choices are rollup.js and esbuild. If we go with rollup.js, to make a widget work with the infoview we need to:

  • Set output.format to 'es'.
  • Externalize react, react-dom, @leanprover/infoview. These libraries are already loaded by the infoview so they should not be bundled.

In the RubiksCube sample, we provide a working rollup.js build configuration in rollup.config.js.

Inserting text

We can also instruct the editor to insert text, copy text to the clipboard, or reveal a certain location in the document. To do this, use the React.useContext(EditorContext) React context. This will return an EditorConnection whose api field contains a number of methods to interact with the text editor.

You can see the full API for this here

insertTextWidget: UserWidgetDefinition
UserWidgetDefinition: Type
where name :=
"textInserter": String
javascript :=
" import * as React from 'react'; const e = React.createElement; import { EditorContext } from '@leanprover/infoview'; export default function(props) { const editorConnection = React.useContext(EditorContext) function onClick() { editorConnection.api.insertText('-- hello!!!', 'above') } return e('div', null, e('button', { value: name, onClick }, 'insert')) } ": String
" import * as React from 'react'; const e = React.createElement; import { EditorContext } from '@leanprover/infoview'; export default function(props) { const editorConnection = React.useContext(EditorContext) function onClick() { editorConnection.api.insertText('-- hello!!!', 'above') } return e('div', null, e('button', { value: name, onClick }, 'insert')) } "

Finally, we can try this out:

#widget insertTextWidget 
.null: Json