Talks and presentations

Profiling Tools in Lean

June 06, 2024

Talk, LMU, Munich, Germany

Presented at Jasmin Blanchette’s group. Presented again at the Prospects of Formal Mathematics program at the Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany.


Are We Fast Yet

January 09, 2024

Conference Talk, Lean Together 2024, online

A summary of how we measure the performance of Lean (on e.g. Mathlib), how it compares to Lean 3, and what we have planned to further improve it.

Slides Video

Lean 4: Reimplementing Lean in Lean

October 12, 2018

Internship Report, Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA, USA

Report on my internship under Leonardo de Moura during which we devised the overall design of Lean 4.
